Kid Toothache Pain Relief

Kid Toothache Pain Relief

As a parent, you never want to see your child deal with any amount of pain, and as we all know from experience, toothaches can be especially difficult. In addition to the pain itself, toothache pain can also make everyday activities into excruciating ordeals, particularly eating and drinking.

Fortunately, there are ways to relieve toothache pain. First of all, if your child has any kind of persistent toothache, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you should try to keep the area clean and do as much as you can to reduce symptoms. We’re sharing the following informational overview to help.

Understanding the Causes of Toothaches

There are a number of potential causes of toothache in a child. Probably the most common is tooth decay or a cavity. This is when bacteria and resulting acid eat away at the enamel and underlying dentin of the tooth. The closer the decay and cavity get to the root of the tooth, the more it can result in toothache and tooth pain.

Other causes of toothaches include naturally sensitive teeth, a crack or fracture in the tooth due to injury, grinding teeth, a tooth infection, and the gum disease gingivitis.

Because the best treatment for different types of toothaches depends on the cause, it is critical to see a dentist for a diagnosis. Early dental care plays a critical role in both the treatment and prevention of toothaches.

8 Pain Relief Remedies for Toothaches in Children

Before seeing your dentist, there are common and practical pain relief measures you can take for your kid’s toothache pain relief.

1. Warm Salt Water Rinse

There is a reason rinsing with salt water is so common. This is because salt water has natural antibacterial properties, while warm water is relaxing and helps to curb swelling in the gums. Simply dissolve half a teaspoon of table salt into eight ounces of warm water and use it as a gentle mouthwash.

2. Over-the-counter Medication

Acetaminophen can help relieve toothache pain on a temporary basis while you are waiting to see the dentist. Only use as directed. Dentists recommend avoiding using it directly on the teeth or gums.

3. Cold Compression

Using an ice pack or other form of cold compress on the surrounding area is an effective temporary anti-inflammatory while also helping to numb the area. This should only be applied to the area for 15 to 20 minutes at a time every two to three hours.

4. Garlic Paste

Although garlic has a strong smell, it is also a natural pain reliever and has antibacterial properties. Garlic cloves can be mashed into a fine paste and applied very gently to the surrounding area of the toothache with a cotton swab.

5. Clove Oil

Another natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial remedy. Dip a cotton ball or cotton swab into clove oil and apply it gently to the area.

6. Peppermint

There’s a reason why peppermint is found in everything from toothpaste to tea. It is a traditional remedy that can help everything from tummy aches to toothaches. Applications can include placing a warm peppermint tea bag on the gums or using peppermint oil in the same way as the clove oil listed above.

7. Rinse with Thyme

One more herbal remedy that many report as an effective kid’s toothache pain relief method. Boil thyme leaves in water to extract the natural oils and let it cool. Then use this as a gentle rinse for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

8. Use a Hydrogen Peroxide-Water Mixture

Because hydrogen peroxide is dangerous if swallowed, it is important to thoroughly dilute peroxide with water, with 3% being a commonly recommended ratio. It is also typically not recommended for very young children. Once you have finished, rinse with regular water a few times to remove all peroxide.

As always, be sure to discuss any potential toothache treatments with your dentist or pediatrician to ensure they are right for your child and do not cause any interactions or negative reactions.

Preventing Toothaches and When to See a Dentist

Prevention measures for tooth decay and toothaches include teaching your child how to practice good oral hygiene, including brushing, flossing, and rinsing, as well as avoiding sugar-rich foods. Toddlers and very young children should avoid bottles of milk and/or juice before bed.

You should call a pediatric dentist regarding any toothache or pain that is abnormal or persistent. Your dentist can perform a thorough dental examination, including a hands-on and visual examination, as well as potentially X-rays and other tests to determine the exact cause of your child’s toothache.

From there, you and your pediatric dentist can discuss potential treatment options if needed. This can include fillings, sealants, root canal treatments, and bonding. Tooth extraction can also be necessary in some advanced cases. Even though baby teeth are made to fall out eventually, it is still important to take care of these teeth for your child’s oral and general health.

Keep Your Family’s Teeth Healthy with the Help of Florida Children’s Dentistry

Going to the dentist can be scary — we get it. But it should be fun! Whether it’s care for baby teeth, big kid teeth, oral surgery, or orthodontics, our team of specialized pediatric dentists make the experience memorable while teaching you how to encourage healthy habits and good hygiene for lifelong smiles. Call us today or request an appointment online. We can’t wait to meet you!
